Acid Heat
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 4C 1002 Acid Heat - 1 to 105C 0.5 375mm 152mm 4F 1000 Acid Heat 30 to 220F 1 375mm 152mm
Cloud And Pour – Low And High
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 5C + 1006 Cloud & Pour, High -38 to 50C 1 230mm 108mm 5F + 1004 Cloud & Pour, High -36 to 120F 2 230mm 108mm - 1005 Cloud & Pour, High -36 to 210F 2 295mm 108mm - 1007 Cloud & Pour, Low -70 to 70F 2 230mm 76mm 6C + 1010 Cloud & Pour, Low -80 to 20C 1 230mm 76mm 6F + 1008 Cloud & Pour, Low -112 to 70F 2 230mm 76mm
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Distillation – Low And High
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 7C + 1014 Distillation, Low -2 to 300C 1 385mm total 7F + 1012 Distillation, Low 30 to 580F 2 385mm total 8C + 10l8 Distillation, High -2 to 400C 1 385mm total 8F + 1016 Distillation, High 30 to 760F 2 385mm total
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Pensky-Martens – Low And High
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 9C + 1022 Pensky-Martens, Low -5 to 110C 0.5 290mm 57mm 9F + 1020 Pensky-Martens, Low 20 to 230F 1 290mm 57mm 10C + 1026 Pensky-Martens, High 90 to 370C 2 290mm 57mm 10F + 1024 Pensky-Martens, High 200 to 700F 5 290mm 57mm
Cat No. 1020
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Open Flash
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 11C + 1038 Open Flash -6 to 400C 2 310mm 25mm 11F + 1036 Open Flash 20 to 760F 5 310mm 25mm
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Density – Wide Range (Gravity)
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 12C + 1042 Gravity -20 to 102C 0.2 420mm total 12F + 1040 Gravity -5 to 215F 0.5 420mm total
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Loss On Heat
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 13C + 1048A Loss On Heat 155 to 170C 0.5 155mm total
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Paraffin Wax Melting Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 14C + 1051 Paraffin Wax Melt Pt 38 to 82C 0.1 375mm 79mm 14F + 1050 Paraffin Wax Melt Pt 100 to 180F 0.2 375mm 79mm
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Softening Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 15C + 1056 Softening Pt., Low -2 to 80C 0.2 397mm total 15F + 1054 Softening Pt., Low 30 to 180F 0.5 397mm total 16C + 1060 Softening Pt., High 30 to 200C 0.5 397mm total 16F + 1058 Softening Pt., High 85 to 392F 1 397mm total
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Saybolt Viscosity
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 17C + 1085 Viscosity Saybolt 19 to 27C 0.1 275mm total 17F + 1066 Viscosity Saybolt 66 to 80F 0.2 275mm total 18C + 1086 Say Vis & Reid Vapor 34 to 42C 0.1 275mm total 18F + 1067 Say Vis & Reid Vapor 94 to 108F 0.2 275mm total 19C + 1087 Viscosity Saybolt 49 to 57C 0.1 275mm total 19F + 1068 Viscosity Saybolt 120 to 134F 0.2 275mm total 20C + 1088 Viscosity Saybolt 57 to 65C 0.1 275mm total 20F 1069 Viscosity Saybolt 134 to 148F 0.2 275mm total 21F 1075 Viscosity Saybolt 174 to 188F 0.2 275mm total 21C 1089 Viscosity Saybolt 79 to 87C 0.1 275mm total 22C + 1090 Say Vis & Oxy Stab. 95 to 103C 0.1 275mm total 22F + 1076 Say Vis & Oxy Stab. 204 to 218F 0.2 275mm total 77F 1077 Viscosity Saybolt 245 to 265F 0.5 275mm total 78F 1079 Viscosity Saybolt 295 to 315F 0.5 275mm total 79F + 1080 Viscosity Saybolt 345 to 365F 0.5 275mm total 80F 1082 Viscosity Saybolt 395 to 415F 0.5 275mm total 81F 1084 Viscosity Saybolt 445 to 465F 0.5 275mm total 108F 1091A Viscosity Saybolt 270 to 290F 0.5 275mm total 109F 1091B Viscosity Saybolt 320 to 340F 0.5 275mm total
Cat. No. 1067
Cat. No. 1068
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Engler Viscosity
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 23C 1092 Viscosity Engler 18 to 28C 0.2 212mm 90mm 24C 1093 Viscosity Engler 39 to 54C 0.2 237mm 90mm 25C 1094 Viscosity Engler 95 to 105C 0.2 212mm 90mm
Stability Test Of Soluble Nitrocellulose
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 26C 1120 Stab Test Sol Nit Cell 130 to 140C 0.1 463mm total
Turpentine Distillation
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 27C 1122 Turpentine Dist. 147 to 182C 0.5 301mm 76mm
Kinematic Viscosity
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 28C + 1097G Kinematic Viscosity 36.6 to 39.4C 0.05 305mm total 28F + 1096G Kinematic Viscosity 97.5 to 102.5F 0.1 305mm total 29C + 1097I Kinematic Viscosity 52.6 to 55.4C 0.05 305mm total 29F + 1096I Kinematic Viscosity 127.5 to 132.5F 0.1 305mm total 30F + 1096M Kinematic Viscosity 207.5 to 212.5F 0.1 305mm total 43C 1097B Kinematic Viscosity -51.6 to -34.0C 0.1 417mm total 43F + 1096B Kinematic Viscosity -61.0 to -29.0F 0.2 417mm total 44C + 1096Q Kinematic Viscosity 18.5 to 21.5C 0.05 305mm total 44F + 1096E Kinematic Viscosity 66.5 to 71.5F 0.1 305mm total 45C + 1096R Kinematic Viscosity 23.6 to 26.4C 0.05 305mm total 45F + 1096F Kinematic Viscosity 74.5 to 79.5F 0.1 305mm total 46C + 1096S Kinematic Viscosity 48.6 to 51.4C 0.05 305mm total 46F + 1096H Kinematic Viscosity 119.5 to 124.5F 0.1 305mm total 47C + 1096T Kinematic Viscosity 58.6 to 61.4C 0.05 305mm total 47F + 1096K Kinematic Viscosity 137.5 to 142.5F 0.1 305mm total 48C 1097L Kinematic Viscosity 80.6 to 83.4C 0.05 305mm total 48F 1096L Kinematic Viscosity 177.5 to 182.5F 0.1 305mm total 72C 1097A Kinematic Viscosity -19.4 to -16.6C 0.05 305mm total 72F + 1096A Kinematic Viscosity -2.5 to +2.5F 0.1 305mm total 73C 1096U Kinematic Viscosity -41.4 to -38.6C 0.05 305mm total 73F + 1096C Kinematic Viscosity -42.5 to -37.5F 0.1 305mm total 74C 1097D Kinematic Viscosity -55.4 to -52.6C 0.05 305mm total 74F + 1096D Kinematic Viscosity -67.5 to -62.5F 0.1 305mm total 110C + 1096V Kinematic Viscosity 133.6 to 136.4C 0.05 305mm total 110F + 1096N Kinematic Viscosity 272.5 to 277.5F 0.1 305mm total 118F 1096P Kinematic Viscosity 83.5 to 88.5F 0.1 305mm total 118C 1096W Kinematic Viscosity 28.6 to 31.4C 0.05 305mm total 120C + 1096Y Kinematic Viscosity 38.5 to 41.5C 0.05 305mm total 121C + 1096Z Kinematic Viscosity 98.5 to 101.5C 0.05 305mm total 126C 1098E Kinematic Viscosity -27.4 to -24.6C 0.05 305mm total 126F 1098F Kinematic Viscosity -17.5 to -12.5F 0.1 305mm total 127C + 1098G Kinematic Viscosity -21.4 to -18.6C 0.05 305mm total 128C + 1098H Kinematic Viscosity -1.4 to +1.4C 0.05 305mm total 128F 1098I Kinematic Viscosity 29.5 to 34.5F 0.1 305mm total 129C 1098J Kinematic Viscosity 91.6 to 94.4C 0.05 305mm total 129F + 1098K Kinematic Viscosity 197.5 to 202.5F 0.1 305mm total
Cat. No. 1096G
Cat. No. 1098G
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Reid Vapor
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 31F + 1003 Reid Vapor -30 to 120F 1 305mm total
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Aniline Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 33C 1126 Aniline Point -38.0 to 42C 0.2 420mm 50mm 33F 1127 Aniline Point -36.5 to 107.5F 0.5 420mm 50mm 34C + 1128 Aniline Point 25.0 to 105C 0.2 420mm 50mm 34F + 1129 Aniline Point 77.0 to 221F 0.5 420mm 50mm 35C + 1130 Aniline Point 90.0 to 170C 0.2 420mm 50mm 35F + 1131 Aniline Point 194.0 to 338F 0.5 420mm 50mm
Cat. No. 1128
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Titer Test
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 36C 1272 Titer Test -2 to 65C 0.2 405mm 45mm
Solvents Distillation
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 37C + 1132 Solvents Distillation - 2 to 52C 0.2 395mm 100mm 38C + 1134 Solvents Distillation 24 to 78C 0.2 395mm 100mm 39C + 1136 Solvents Distillation 48 to 102C 0.2 395mm 100mm 40C + 1138 Solvents Distillation 72 to 126C 0.2 395mm 100mm 41C + 1140 Solvents Distillation 98 to 152C 0.2 395mm 100mm 42C + 1142 Solvents Distillation 95 to 255C 0.5 395mm 100mm 102C + 1266 Solvents Distillation 123 to 177C 0.2 395mm 100mm 103C + 1268 Solvents Distillation 148 to 202C 0.2 395mm 100mm 104C + 1270 Solvents Distittatiom 173 to 227C 0.2 395mm 100mm 105C + 1273 Solvents Distillation 198 to 252C 0.2 395mm 100mm 106C + 1274 Solvents Distillation 223 to 277C 0.2 395mm 100mm 107C + 1276 Solvents Distillation 248 to 302C 0.2 395mm 100mm
Cat. No. 1140
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Stormer Viscosity
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 49C + 1095 Stormer Viscosity 20 to 70C 0.2 305mm 65mm
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Gas Calorimeter
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 50F + 1144 Gas Calorimeter Inlet 54 to 101F 0.1 468mm total 51F 1146 Gas Calorimeter Outlet 69 to 116F 0.1 468mm total
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Butadine Boiling Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 52C 1148 Butad. Boiling Point -10 to 5C 0.1 162mm total
Benzene Freezing Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 53C 1148C Benzene Freezing Pt -0.6 to 10.4 0.1 189mm total
Congealing Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 54C 1048 Congealing Point 20 to 100.6C 0.2 310mm total 54F 1047 Congealing Point 68 to 213F 0.5 310mm total
Bomb Calorimeter
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 56C + 1147 Bomb Calorimeter 19 to 35C 0.02 585mm total 56F + 1147A Bomb Calorimeter 66 to 95F 0.05 585mm total 116C 1147B Bomb Calorimeter 18.9 to 25.1C 0.01 609mm total 117C + 1147C Bomb Calorimeter 23.9 to 30.1C 0.01 609mm total
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Tag Closed Tester
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 57F 1032 Flash Tag Closed Low -4 to 122F 1 290mm 57mm 57C 1034 Flash Tag Closed Low -20 to 50C 0.5 290mm 57mm
Tank Gauging – Refill
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 58C 1248 Tank, Refill, Low -35 to 50C 0.5 300mm total 58F + 1252 Tank, Refill, Low -30 to 120F 1 300mm total 59C + 1253 Tank, Refill, Mediun -18 to 82C 0.5 300mm total 59F + 1256 Tank, Refill, Mediun 0 to 180F 1 300mm total 60C 1257 Tank, Refill, High 77 to 260C 1 300m total 60F + 1260 Tank, Refill, High 170 to 500F 2 300mm total 97C 1244 Tank, Refill -18 to 49C 0.5 300mm total 97F + 1262 Tank, Refill 0 to 120F 1 300mm total 98C 1246 Tank, Refill 16 to 82C 0.5 300mm total 98F 1264 Tank, Refill 60 to 180F 1 300mm total 130C + 1271 Tank Gauging, Refill -7 to 110C 0.5 305mm total 130F + 1261 Tank Gauging, Refill 20 to 220F 1 305mm total Any of the above may be furnished with Red Reading Lens glass at additional cost. Add suffix 'RRL' to catalog number.
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Petrolatum Melt Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 61C + 1053 Petrolatum Melt Pt 32 to 127C 0.2 380mm 79mm 61F + 1052 Petrolatum Melt Pt 90 to 260F 0.5 380mm 79mm
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Oil In Wax
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 71C 1293A Oil In Wax -37 to 21C 0.5 355mm 76mm 71F 1293 Oil In Wax -35 to 70F 1 355mm 76mm
Coolant Freezing Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 75F 1200 Coolant Freezing Pt -35 to 35F 0.5 408mm 100mm 76F + 1202 Coolant Freezing Pt -65 to +5F 0.5 408mm 100mm 119C + 1096X Coolant Freezing Pt -35.5 to -30C 0.05 305mm total 119F 1097X Coolant Freezing Pt -37.0 to -22F 0.1 305mm total
Cat. No. 1200
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Fuel Rating
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 82F 1204 Fuel Rating, Engine 0 to 220F 2 165mm 30mm 82C 1205 Fuel Rating, Engine -15 to 105C 1 165mm 30mm 83F 1206 Fuel Rating, Air 60 to 160F 1 174mm 40mm 83C 1207 Fuel Rating, Air 15 to 70C 1 174mm 40mm 84F 1208 Fuel Rating, Orifice 75 to 175F 1 387mm 249mm 84C 1209 Fuel Rating, Orifice 25 to 175F 1 387mm 249mm 85F 1210 Fuel Rating, Surge 100 to 300F 2 314mm 181mm 85C 1211 Fuel Rating, Surge 40 to 150C 1 314mm 181mm 86F + 1212 Fuel Rating, Mix 200 to 350F 2 170mm 35mm 86C 1213 Fuel Rating, Mix 95 to 175C 1 170mm 35mm 87F 1214 Fuel Rating, Coolant 300 to 400F 1 175mm 40mm 87C 1215 Fuel Rating, Coolant 150 to 205C 1 175mm 40mm
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Vegetable Oil Flash
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 88C 1216 Vegetable Oil Flash 10 to 200C 1 287mm 57mm 88F 1218 Vegetable Oil Flash 50 to 392F 2 287mm 57mm
Solidification Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 89C + 1220 Solidification Point -20 to +10C 0.1 370mm 76mm 90C + 1222 Solidification Point 0 to 30C 0.1 370mm 76mm 91C + 1224 Solidification Point 20 to 50C 0.1 370mm 76mm 92C + 1226 Solidification Point 40 to 70C 0.1 370mm 76mm 93C + 1228 Solidification Point 60 to 90C 0.1 370mm 76mm 94C + 1230 Solidification Point 80 to 110C 0.1 370mm 76mm 95C + 1232 Solidification Point 100 to 130C 0.1 370mm 76mm 96C + 1234 Solidification Point 120 to 150C 0.1 370mm 76mm 100C + 1236 Solidification Point 145 to 205C 0.2 370mm 76mm 101C + 1238 Solidification Point 195 to 305C 0.5 370mm 76mm
Cat. No. 1228
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Brookfield Viscosity
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 122C 1098A Brookfield Viscosity -45 to -35C 0.1 300mm total 123C 1098B Brookfield Viscosity -35 to -25C 0.1 300mm total 124C 1098C Brookfield Viscosity -25 to -15C 0.1 300mm total 125C 1098D Brookfield Viscosity -15 to -5C 0.1 300mm total
Cat. No. 1098A
Weathering Test
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 99F 1278 Weathering Test -58 to 41F 0.5 305mm 35mm 99C 1279 Weathering Test -50 to +5C 0.2 305mm 35mm
Tar Acid Distillation
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 111C 1284 Tar Acid Distillation 170 to 250C 0.2 395mm 100mm
Solidification Point Of Benzene
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 112C + 1286 Solidification Benzene 4 to 6C 0.02 220mm total
Cat. No. 1286
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Bituminous Materials Softening Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 113C 1289 Bit. Mat. Sftn. Pt. -1 to 175C 0.5 406mm total 113F 1288 Bit. Mat. Sftn. Pt. 30 to 350F 1 406mm total
Aviation Fuels Freezing Point
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 114C + 1290 Aviation Fuel Frz. Pt. -80 to 20C 0.5 300mm total 114F 1291 Aviation Fuel Frz. Pt. -112 to 70F 1.0 300mm total
Cat. No. 1290
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Beckman Differential
ASTM Cat No Application Temp Range Div Length Immersion 115C 5000 Beckman Differential 0 to 6C .01 610mm Stem