Centrifuge Tube - Pear Shaped 100mL
- Catalog Number
- Capacity
- Subdivisions
- Approximate Diameter
- Approximate Length
- 09-100
- 100mL
- {0.0 to 1.5 in 0.1mL} {1.5 to 5mL in 0.5mL} {5 to 10mL in 1mL} {Marked at 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100mL}
- 58mm
- 158mm
- Catalog Number
- Capacity
- Subdivisions
- Approximate Diameter
- Approximate Length
- 09-100
- 100mL
- {0.0 to 1.5 in 0.1mL} {1.5 to 5mL in 0.5mL} {5 to 10mL in 1mL} {Marked at 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100mL}
- 58mm
- 158mm
Centrifuge Tube - Pear Shaped 200%
- Catalog Number
- Capacity
- Subdivisions
- Approximate Diameter
- Approximate Length
- 09-200
- 200%
- {0 to 3% in 0.2%} {3 to 10% in 1%} {4 to 6% in 0.4%} {6 to 10% in 1%} {10 to 20% in 2%} {Marked at 30, 40, 50, 100, 150 and 200%}
- 45mm
- 165mm
- Catalog Number
- Capacity
- Subdivisions
- Approximate Diameter
- Approximate Length
- 09-200
- 200%
- {0 to 3% in 0.2%} {3 to 10% in 1%} {4 to 6% in 0.4%} {6 to 10% in 1%} {10 to 20% in 2%} {Marked at 30, 40, 50, 100, 150 and 200%}
- 45mm
- 165mm